
Raewyn Sporle, is a Hamilton Barrister & Solicitor. She is an expert in family law, providing advice, legal assistance and representation for a range of proceedings in the Hamilton Family Law Courts and the greater Waikato Family Law Courts. She is able to assist with a range of sensitive, legal matters.

Separation or Relationship Property

Whether divorcing or leaving a de facto relationship, separation from a spouse or partner is never easy and is often a complex and emotional time.

Raewyn is a highly respected relationship property and divorce lawyer. Her representation ensures your assets and your children are properly protected.

Contracting Out Agreements, "Prenups"

If you are entering a new relationship, whether it be de facto, marriage or civil union, you may wish to keep your assets separate from your new partner.

Raewyn can assist you in effectively protecting your assets and drafting up Agreements to Contract Out of the Property Relationships Act, or  Pre-Nuptial Agreements. Similarly, Raewyn can effectively advise you on your legal rights if a partner presents you with a prenup agreement.


Relocation can have significant implications for a child’s relationships, access to extended family, schooling, and overall well-being. Therefore, New Zealand family law places great emphasis on ensuring that any proposed relocation is carefully considered and serves the best interests of the child.

Raewyn can aid in providing representation for Relocation requests or defences.

Child Support

Child Support helps provide for children whose parents do not live together. Raewyn is specialised in services including assistance with Inland Revenue, preparation of administrative reviews, child support appeals, voluntary child support agreements, mediation services, advice for parents living overseas and many other family law issues in Hamilton.

Raewyn provides confidential, prompt and specialist advice on all child support related issues and family law matters.


Raewyn can help you to understand your rights as mothers, fathers, grandparents or other guardians.

Matters surrounding children that Raewyn can assist you on include:

  • Care and contact (previously called custody and access)

  • Additionally appointing guardians (usually grandparents)

  • Settling disputes between guardians including name changes, schooling, relocation and medical issues.

  • Many other issues, please contact us if you have any queries.


Raewyn can help advise you as to the legal process when applying of defending an application for paternity, or an application for non paternity. It is greatly recommended you utilize the help of a Family Lawyer when going through these Court proceedings as there can be life long implications of the outcome.

If you are either the mother or the potential father, Raewyn can help you through the Court process and ensure you know your rights along the way. If you are located in Hamilton or the greater Waikato and have questions regarding the paternity of a child that you need to ask a Hamilton family Lawyer about, please call Raewyn to make an appointment.


Powers of Attorney

There are two types of enduring Powers of Attorney. One for Care and Welfare and a separate one for Property.

If you are in a position where you are no longer able to make decisions for yourself, your enduring attorney will make these decisions for you. Raewyn specialises in the arrangement of Powers of Attorney in the Waikato region.

If you die without making a will, the division of assets is left up to the standard legislation or the Court. This will result in your assets being divided up in a way that you have not specified. By letting your family know of your wishes, this will help protect them financially as well as emotionally. 

The general rule is to make a will as soon as you have assets or have people in your life that need protecting. Raewyn has a range of experience in drafting wills and can assist you so that you know your family is well protected.

Domestic Violence

If you are in immediate danger, please call the police now.

Domestic violence includes physical violence against yourself or your children; or psychological abuse including making threats, intimidation, harassment, economic abuse and more.

Applying for a Protection Order
Any type of domestic violence is not okay. Raewyn can assist you in taking the appropriate legal steps to protect yourself against domestic violence. 

Defending a Protection Order
Raewyn can also assist in defending allegations made against you. It is important to defend these as if a final protection order is made, it could affect the access you have to your children or result in criminal charges being made against you. 

Whatever it is, family matters are sensitive and should be met with the upmost empathy and care.

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Contact Raewyn for specialised legal advice.